May 31, 2011, 7:30pm @ B.A.S.E.
Zhang-ke's 24 City

"Change and a city in China. In Chengdu, factory 420 is being pulled down to make way for multi-story buildings with luxury flats. Scenes of factory operations, of the workforce, and of buildings stripped bare and then razed, are inter-cut with workers who were born in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s telling their stories - about the factory, which manufactured military aircraft, and about their work and their lives, A middle-aged man visits his mentor, now elderly; a woman talks of being a 19-year-old beauty there and ending up alone. The film concludes with two young people talking, each the child of workers, each relaying a story of one visit to a factory. Times Change."
(Summary from IMDB)

With the arrival of three 'latecomers,' participant Lydia McMullen-Liard and BASE contributors Robert Adams & Tiffany Lin, the BASE 6.0 crew is complete and projects are in full swing.

We are also excited for the long overdue revival of this blog. Check back here soon for expanded project blogs as well as announcements for events hosted by BASE here in CaoChangDi and greater Beijing.